Keeping the lights on and rates low is job #1

I am proud to be running for re-election to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Board of Directors in 2024. 

The past years have seen SMUD continue to accelerate far away from the competition at all levels - with rates 54% lower than a certain large neighboring utility - and our power staying on. That keeps about $2 billion dollars in the local economy every year! 

I am excited to continue my work at SMUD with a focus on diverse, just and sustainable communities, as well as helping meet critical climate and renewable energy goals - all while ensuring top-notch reliability and keeping rates low. 

There is still so much work to be done and I am up to the challenge!



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The District - SMUD Ward 1

SMUD's Ward 1 includes the communities of Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Orangevale and northern Folsom.

Paid for by Brandon Rose for SMUD Board 2024 - FPPC ID# 1388542